Recent Seminars
- HydSoc 24Sep24 Ingrid Takken MDBA River Murray Sediment Investigations
- Hydsoc 12Apr22_DavidKemp_Far_north_floods
- Hydsoc 12Apr22_TinaDonaldson_January_2022_Flooding_Summary_short
- HydSoc 10Dec20 Michael Leonard Adaptability and the risk mindset
- HydSoc 28May20 Enys Watt Cumulative impacts of MAR
- Hydsoc 28May20 Peter Dillon et al 10 yr retrospective on MAR Guidelines
- Hydsoc 14Nov19 Brenton Grear Green Adelaide
- Hydsoc 22Oct19 Guna Hewa and David Kemp ARR Whats gone wrong
- HydSoc 22Aug19 Nadine Kilsby Water, watercourses and the WMLR
- Hydsoc 13Jun19 Michelle Campbell MDB Delivering water differently
- Hydsoc 13Jun19 Andy Close MDB System flows
- HydSoc 28Mar19 Smith-Cox (Ian Laing)
- HydSoc 22Aug19 Nadine Kilsby Water, watercourses and the WMLR
- HydSoc 28Mar19 Kumar Savadamuthu Securing low flows in the Mount Lofty Ranges
- HydSoc 28Mar19 Ben Taylor Low Flow Bypass
- Hydsoc 18Oct18 Crag Flavel Alternative Water in Adelaide
- Hydsoc 16Aug18 Clive Jenkins Small scale desalination EPA perspective
- Hydsoc 16Aug18 Yasodinee Wimalasiri John Van Leeuwen Small scale desal via CDI
- Hydsoc 21Jun18 Darren Ray An Update on Climate Change
- Hydsoc 21Jun18 Michael Leonard Impact of Climate Change on Australian Flood Risk
- Hydsoc 5Apr18 Jeff Connor MDB Economic investment
- Hydsoc 5Apr18 Anne Jensen MDB Environmental targets
- Hydsoc 5Apr18 Andy Close MDB Modelling
- HydSoc 1Mar18 Cristina Solarzano-Rivas Fresh groundwater beneath the sea
Past Seminars
- Hydsoc 01Jun16 Mike Hatch Hydrogeophysics.pdf
- Hydsoc 27Mar14 Steve Barnett Groundwater beneath Adelaide.pdf
- Hydsoc 20Feb14 Dan Miller Diatoms- ecological proxies of the past & present -North Stradbroke Island case study.pdf
- Hydsoc 20Feb14 Oliver Hosain Understanding clogging in drip irrigation under recycled water irrigation.pdf
- Hydsoc 16Jul13 Tony Allan Who determines the demand for food and who manages water.pdf
- Hydsoc 01May13 Steve Barnett Technical Inputs to Water Allocation Plans.pdf
- Hydsoc 16Jul13 Kathryn Bellette Optimal Water Resources Mix for Metropolitan Adelaide.pdf
- Hydsoc 16Jul13 Neville Crossman ESF to Measure the Benefits of Reducing Diversions in the Murray-Darling Basin.pdf
- Hydsoc 16Jul13 Matt Gibbs Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources.pdf
- Hydsoc 16Jul13 John Kandulu Ecosystem services in urban water investment economics.pdf
- Hydsoc 16Jul13 Adam Loch MDB irrigator preferences for water allocation adaptation programs.pdf
- Hydsoc 16Jul13 Marsden Jacob Assoc Economic Value of Groundwater.pdf
- Hydsoc 16Jul13 Jennifer McKay Australian water law reform; the optimal; mix of private and public sectors – reflections on recent research.pdf
- Hydsoc 16Jul13 Sarah Wheeler What are the on-farm viability consequences from selling water entitlements.pdf
- Hydsoc 15Nov12 Simon Beecham GreenCity.pdf
- Hydsoc 26Jul12 Murray Tyler Water in Mining.pdf
- Hydsoc 12Jun11 Declan Page MAR and stormwater reuse options.pdf
- Hydsoc 24Feb11 Alison Miller Habitat hydraulics.pdf
- Hydsoc 01Sep10 Andy Close River Modelling for the Murray Darling Basin.pdf
- Hydsoc 01Sep10 Ian Jolly Groundwater surface interactions.pdf
- Hydsoc 01Sep10 Ian Overton Ecohydrology modelling.pdf
- Hydsoc 01Sep10 Ian Webster Coorong response to freshwater inflow.pdf
- Hydsoc 01Sep10 Jeff Connor MDB economic challenges.pdf
- Hydsoc 01Sep10 Peter Wallbrink eWater.pdf
- Hydsoc 01Sep10 Pradeep Sharma MDB KNowledge needs.pdf
- Hydsoc 01Sep10 Russell Crosbie REcharge and runoff predictions.pdf
- Hydsoc 01Sep10 Stuart Richardson Groundwater management stakeholder driven process.pdf
- Hydsoc 01Dec09 Peter Cullen WaterInnovation.pdf
- Hydsoc 28May09 Paul Harvey LowerLakes.pdf
- Hydsoc 13Aug09 David Kemp FloodsSAAridZone.pdf
- Hydsoc 30Apr09 Brent Williams MDBasinPlan.pdf
- Hydsoc 20Jun07 Paul Harvey RiverMurraySustainableUse.pdf
- Hydsoc 21Aug06 Peter Cook GroundwaterWetlands.pdf
- Hydsoc 21Aug06 Paul Howe EWRFramework.pdf
- Hydsoc 02May06 David Kemp HydrologicalAspects.pdf
- Hydsoc 21Aug06 Hugh Middlemis Ethel Gorge- Aquifer Stresses and Stygofauna Habitat Questions.pdf
- Hydsoc 21Aug06 Hugh Middlemis Groundwater Modelling and Ecological Water Requirements Kemerton Industrial Estate.pdf
- Hydsoc 02May06 Ken Schalk FloodplainMapping.pdf
- Hydsoc 21Aug06 Jeffrey Turner SwanCoastalPlain.pdf
- Hydsoc 02May06 Andrew Watson MeteorologcalAspects.pdf
- Hydsoc 02May06 Lynton Johnston, Chris Wright Flood Warning.pdf
- Hydsoc 14Jul03 SeminarProceedings Salinity.pdf
- Hydsoc 24Sep02 SeminarProceedings EnvironmentalWater.pdf
- Hydsoc 28Sep01 SeminarProceedings WaterHistory.pdf
- Hydsoc 18Oct00 SeminarProceedings WaterLaw.pdf
- Hydsoc 06Aug70 Bob Culver Water resources in jeopardy.pdf
Past Newsletters
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- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1985_Feb
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1985_Oct
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1986_Feb
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1987_Aug
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1987_May
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1987_Nov
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1988_Jun
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1988_Mar
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1988_Nov
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1988_Sep
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1989_Aug
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1989_Feb
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1989_Jun
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1989_Oct
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1990_Apr
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1990_Aug
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1990_Feb
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- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1990_Sep
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1991_Mar
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1991_Oct
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1992_May
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1993_Dec
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1993_Mar
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1994_Apr
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1994_Nov
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1995_Dec
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1996_Dec
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1996_May
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1997_Jul
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1998_Mar
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_1999_Aug
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_2001_Jun
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_2002_Sep
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_2003_Aug
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_2003_Mar
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_2004_Dec
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_2007_Jul
- Hydsoc_Newsletter_2007_May